
2 May

What is Napoli? From Naples? Did Fannie Farmer ever go to Naples? Or is this her 1896 vision of what she would consume there? Then again this edition of The Fannie Farmer Cookbook was published in the sixties so it may not have even been in the original.

That Frances Farmer, what an enigma.

The week in which I blithely posted pre-written waffle posts, and prepped to play an artiste, I also made this soufflee.

Firstly, you must know rarely is this blog written in real time. I backlog posts when I have more free time for busy times like these.

Second. You’ll must agree that artistes make soufflés. Because we have lofty ideals. Thus lofty foods. Yup. Our lives are one massive metaphor. This blog is a bit of my brain matter laid out for you to consume.

That metaphor sucked.

Artistes also make film. Artistes make pie. Artistes make love.
Often to their reflection in the mirror.
With pie.
I guess I’m an artist of sorts, and I decided to make Napoli.

Random note of interest: My reviewing job’s latest here. Another here.

First, the soufflee cross-section:

Now the recipe.
Tomato Soufflee Napoli adapted from Fannie Farmer
3 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. whole wheat flour
5 T. Tomato paste
1/3 c. Marinara of choice
1/2 c. Plain almond milk
3 slices cheddar, chopped
1/2 c. Pasta
3 eggs
Freshly ground black pepper
Melt two tablespoons of the butter. Stir in the flour(it’ll be like a paste), then the milk, tomato paste, and marinara. Bring to a boil then simmer a couple of minutes. Stir in cheese, salt and pepper.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta. When that is done add 1 tablespoon of butter. Resist urge to eat more than a couple of buttery pasta pieces. Contemplate eating buttery pasta with the tomato mixture as sauce. Decide that the beauty of a soufflee and ability to say, “well, last night I whipped up a soufflee,” make doing this not quite worth it. Realize you write really bad run-on sentences sometimes, seriously, Cliffy.
Stir the pasta into the tomato mix.
Beat egg whites until stiff, then beat yolks in a different bowl. It must happen in this order because the whites must have zero contact with the yolks, but a bit of white getting into the yolk will not affect them. Stir the yolks into the tomato mix, then fold into the whites. Turn into a baking dish sprayed with olive oil if you are me. Because I don’t have a soufflee dish and I don’t trust the mixture not to stick. If you are awesome-er than I, bake this in an ungreases soufflee dish. At 300. Forty-five-ish minutes.

6 Responses to “Artiste-ic”

  1. Sabrina Bolin (@MyMiBoSo) May 2, 2012 at 2:35 pm #

    I LOVE your review of Take a Bao! You’ve got so much wit up your sleeves…well, let’s just say you need bigger sleeves. 😉

    • Ellen May 2, 2012 at 2:44 pm #

      Thank you, m’lady! Oh there’s a reason I wear tank tops-gotta let that wit run free;)

      Sent from my iPhone

  2. Nadiya @ Milk and Honey May 2, 2012 at 3:12 pm #

    Cool 😀 I’ve never made a soufflee before 0.0 I love your restaurant review, they are so funny! Haha and gee I can never resist pasta covered with butter, I’ll need high self control with recipe lol… or just make more pasta than the recipe suggests (just in case…)

    • Ellen May 2, 2012 at 3:31 pm #

      Aha! More pasta…that’s smart thinking;)

      Sent from my iPhone

  3. Ameena May 3, 2012 at 8:39 am #

    Is a soufflee really this easy? I thought it involved a whole lot of watching and waiting. This I can do! Looks delicious. 🙂

    • Ellen May 3, 2012 at 12:02 pm #

      It’s pretty easy! Granted it doesn’t look quite like your typical soufflee but it does puff up nicely when fresh out of the oven:)

      Sent from my iPhone

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