Chilly Winter Wines Part Two: Cozy Port Vibes

15 Jan

The New Year may, for some be time for hedonism, tbut for many it is the time to dip into desire without needing to justify. Because cold. And/or awards season stress (in LA). Whether it’s cold or you ate worried about whether you’ll get (or never even be nominated for) something, it’s a good time to give in to hedonism.

How’s about some high-octane wine-booze? Or as I’m apt to call fortified delights.

I love a nice sweet treat, especially if it’s not just sugar sugar sugar but there is something more getting you going be it flavor or ahem abv. Both I like both!

Okay all this is to say that Port is amazing–it comes in a wide range of styles – Tawny is an elegant deligant, and the posh rubies are nothing to sneeze at. Have you ever sneezed at a ruby? Moi non plus. I mean however you say that in Portuguese.

Here’s three that came across my desk (breakfast bar/couch/every surface in my home is desk) recently:

Graham’s 10 Year Old Tawny Port Ooh it smells like Werther’s sautéed in butter and topped with a squeeze of lemon and golden raisin juice. The taste is similar, but leaning into the dried fruit, going from raisins to dates, figs, and compote of multitudes, maybe including black and raspberries. All with sprinkle of white chocolate atop. Omg yum.

Graham’s Six Grapes Reserve Port The nose is full of fig preserve (the likes you will find on a cheese plate) and a bit of fresh chervil and general fresh vibes. The palate is full of tannin and booze and fills your head up but in an ultimately fun way, giving slight candy cane. Red plum/cassis finishes it off. So good.

Graham’s 20 Year Old Tawny Port Lemon balm nose, plus white roses OMG white roses, yes, that, and a bit of toasted almost and cashew. Geeez the palate brings in this gasoline in the best way vibe to accent all I mentioned on the palate, tapering out to nuts with lemon zest. Holy heck.

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