Tag Archives: bicicletta

I like to ride my bicicletta

13 Jun


Gearing up for a busy weekend, I am. Two improv shows and a friend in from out of town. Summer is well on its merry way.

It feels like a while since I gave you drinks. But since I want your brains to be equally invigorated, I’m also gonna give you some summer reads.

You probably want to read before imbibing.

I’m in the midst of Gillian Flynn’s “Gone Girl”. It is worth the hype. I can’t stop.

I also was drawn deep into “Wild”, by Cheryl Stayed. Even if you don’t like to hike thou shalt diggeth it. It’s her memoirs of hiking the rather epic Pacific Crest Trail.

Have I told you before of the incredible-ousity of Smithsonian Magazine? Yes, I am a huge dork who adores learning. You get science, history, arts, and more. They shouldn’t hire me to write ads for them because that description was terribly dry. But really, this magazine rocks. And this month’s issue was the food issue so it’s a good time to jump in! And you also get to read about dark matter. The goth’s favorite type of matter.

If you’ve never read “A Tale of Two Cities” it’s time to put down everything else and read my favorite book evah….

Phew, you’ve been schooled. Moving right along.

I give you your summertime drink.
It is pretty. It is lovely. If the Campari hits too hard you can change the amounts of club soda and vino.

If you are hanging with aforementioned smarty goths they will not only love the deep red nature of it, but you’ll score extra points if you use skull and crossbones ice cubes. Woot!

I’m sorry if I’ve been less amusing of late. I’m thinking its summer so you probably have less time to waste online, when you could be out drinking Campari and mind-gobbling great books. So do.

The Bicicletta from Bon Appetit May 2008
2 ounces Campari
1 1/2 ounces dry white wine
1/2 ounce club soda
Lemon slice
Stir Campari and wine. Add ice and club soda. Garnish with the lemon slice. Done and done. And done.