Everyone Else is Doin’ It

14 Jan


I might jump off the bridge, I dunno. Particularly if it was a bikini bridge. I’m pretty much repulsed by that whole thing. The fact that it started as a hoax should say something about how dumb it is. Has anyone noticed that the latest body goals of women don’t have anything to do with the body, but rather with the absence of body? The thigh gap. The bikini bridge is the empty space between the swimsuit and your body as the bikini stretches across your sharp pointy hipbones. Gross. Okay, that is enough venting.

I have far too much to do to be jumping off Thinspiration Bridge, and I have enough practice with falling from high high heights. Maybe I’d do the real bridge jump, but I would have a nice bouncy trampoline arranged to catch me. That could be fun. Kidding, Mom. Just kidding. I wouldn’t put my head at risk, never fear.

In this post, we are going to look at chocolate as a metaphor for the trampoline under the bridge. And the jumping part I am partaking of is a green smoothie, which EVERYONE else is blogging up these post-holidays days.

My lack of spare time is actually part of why I make so many friggin’ smoothies. The other part is my deep love of wielding my immersion blender aka my kitchen paramour (I fit him in between the sexy beast and my boyfriend). A male friend of mine saw the base of it sitting out and briefly thought that it attached to something that would help me deeply love myself. I showed him the bladed attachment and assured him I am not that much of a masochist.

According to every other single blog in the entire universe, the green smoothie is what will save you, not kill you. Oh yes, it is “cleansing season” which is ridiculous, if you ask me. In theory it sounds lovely but in reality it is just a bunch of vegetables and juicers and blenders and overly enlightened people. Sorry if you are one of them. It’s ok. Different strokes for different folks. You’ve got your bridge and I have my trellis. This smoothie will neither cleanse you nor do your laundry, but it is tasty and healthy-ish.

All this being said, the fact that everyone was making these things called “Green Monsters” was intriguing. A well-named recipe can really lure a girl in. I do enjoy a good smoothie, so I gave a few recipes a try. After recovering from the various taste-bud wounds inflicted from jumping off overly banana-y tasting bridges, I decided to devise my own protein-filled, smooth, tasty, almost-ice-cream-sort-of smoothie that yah, yah, had some green in it, but in the form of fresh mint, yah? Yah. If you don’t have the fresh mint you can use some peppermint extract but then you only have a green-in-theory Chocolate Monster.

This Green Monster is rather pretty, to be called a monster, what with the fresh mint. But then, in real life monsters are neither green nor monstrous. Nor chocolate-y. Discuss.

Mint Chocolate Monster
1/2 cup cottage cheese
6 Tbsp. Chocolate protein powder (this recipe hinges on good-tasting protein, I use the MRM Veggie Protein)
big, big ol’ handful of fresh mint
handful of spinach if you feel it
1/2 a frozen banana, also optional
1 1/4 cup chocolate almond milk
sweetener of any ilk to taste
pinch of xanthum gum, if you like a super-thick drink
Blend like your life depends on it. You needs must blend this until you think it cannot get smoother and then a minute longer to get the aerated smooth texture. Unless you own a vita-mix in which case you probably just have to pulse it a second and you’ll have hot smoothie soup. If you have a vita-mix, good on ya. I’m jealous.

8 Responses to “Everyone Else is Doin’ It”

  1. sippitysup January 14, 2014 at 6:06 pm #

    I-Can’t-STOP-Laughing. I’ve looked at my immersion blender in “that” way before. GREG

    • Ellen January 14, 2014 at 7:58 pm #

      Ha! Great(ly perverted) minds think alike!

      Sent from my iPhone


  2. Whitney @ To Live & Diet in L.A. January 15, 2014 at 4:43 pm #

    Bikini Bridge?!?! I’d never even heard about this until now. I second your opinion, gross.

    Your minty monster looks amazing though. Def trying tonight as I admire my sweatpant hump 🙂

    • Ellen January 15, 2014 at 5:16 pm #

      Sweatpant hump-ha! That’s hilarious. Hope you enjoy the mint monster:)

      Sent from my iPhone


  3. GiGi Eats Celebrities January 17, 2014 at 11:59 am #

    WTF is in the 5th picture’s belly button?!?!?! SO GROSSED OUT. lol

    • Ellen January 17, 2014 at 2:25 pm #

      WTF is right! About it alllllll.

      Sent from my iPhone


  4. Kate@Diethood January 18, 2014 at 9:57 pm #

    LOOOOOL!!!! The immersion blender thing has me rolling! ahahaha 😀

    • Ellen January 18, 2014 at 10:25 pm #

      hehe, always happy to amuse.!

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